Tuesday, April 11, 2017

100 Days of Weight Loss


Another one of the really great things about WW's Connect is meeting some really awesome and inspiring people.

One of my Connect buddies(on Connect she is 7x7in2011) is hosting a virtual 100 Days of Weight Loss Challenge based on the book by Linda Spangle.

If you're a WW you can sign up.  It's not too late!

You can get the e-book for $1.99 right now.

Even if you don't feel like reading the book her website is worth checking out and there are TONS of free downloadable materials like a journal as well as and articles you can read.

My WW partner in this challenge said it was easier to follow than The Beck Diet Solution and works well with WW.

Given that I've been struggling a bit since I hit Lifetime to maintain my weight I was just looking for some new motivation.

I've downloaded the journal and have read through my first day.

I weighed myself this morning, which was not at all fun, but I'm trying to stay accountable and move forward.

She gives tons of great tips that are worth the read on her website.

One of the tips that got me was that she recommended always eating in front of at least one other person.

As I'm eating this it just hit me I'm eating my late dinner alone.

My son is in bed and my husband is at the track trying to get his steps in for his own challenge at work.

So, I guess, you just do the best you can.  For people who live alone it's obviously not as realistic.

One of the other many steps is that at the end of each day you're supposed to list at least five of the things you've done right during that day.

In addition, she recommends rating each calendar day at the day's close.  

If it was the kind of day that, if reproduced over and over, would result in weight loss then you put a green sticker on that day on the calendar.

If it was a day that would probably cause you to maintain your current weight, put a yellow sticker on that day.

If it was a day that would likely lead to weight gain then add a red sticker to the calendar.

This way as you go through the months you can see at a glance what the pattern has been.

Now WW does something similar with their blue dots.  You get virtual blue dots on a calendar day when you track everything and stay within your point goal.

The exciting thing is that this has already got me thinking.  Today I was thinking about how I haven't gotten to the gym as much as I was.  I thought about my upcoming biometric re-screening and felt a little sad and disappointed because I started imagining that it wouldn't be as good.

Then I imagined all the things my trainer would say to me in the way of "If you want results you need to be here more".  Next I imagined my responses about how stressful things have been, how hectic with apts, travel, illness etc.

But then, ...

I stopped myself.

I realized that I was already arguing for my limitations like I used to.

Old habits die hard as they say and this is one of mine.

It's the "let me give you the sob story and litany of my life and why I'm justified in NOT doing this" story.

The thing that I realized is that, while all of it may be true, it doesn't help me lose weight, gain strength and just generally be healthy and fit.

The truth is that I have to make that choice and if I choose healthy I have to make it a priority.

I'm not going to post on this every day but I will post on it every now and then.

Given my habit of late evening snacking I'll be posting my calendar color right before I slip into bed.
Until then, I'm choosing radiant health and vitality!!!

I hope you'll choose that with me.

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