Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What's Your Plan?

Until I made lifetime with WW a couple weeks ago I had been receiving weekly coaching calls through WW.

Let me first just say that I LOVE my coach!  She is awesome but it took a couple tries to find the right one for me.

Anyway, a year ago June when I started I remember talking to her about my plans for that day.
The conversation sounded like this...

"So, what do you have planned for the weekend Carrie?"

"I'm going to a water park with my family today" I said.

"What's your plan?"

"Um, go to the water park?".  Did she not hear me???

"Carrie, you need a plan.  You're going to be walking all day, going up and down tons of stairs all day and you're going to get tired and hungry.  I know.  I've done it with my family.  You need a plan.  You need to bring food with you.  What are you bringing?"

"Um, baby carrots?" I said.

"Carrie, you need protein.  You're going to need a lot more than vegetables.  What do you think you could bring?"


Needless to say I ended up bringing a plain turkey sandwich with carrots and an apple.

AND when I got to the water park we did to tons of stairs and walking and swimming and I was tired by the end of the day.

What I didn't expect was that they'd have a Domino's pizza and a bunch of carnival type food(think greasy burgers) at the park and that the smell of it would be subversively wafting throughout the park calling to the already hungry girl I was in that moment.

My husband and son ended up getting the pizza(that I totally wanted and wanted to binge on) in the car with me.  

Do you know how hard it is to sit in the car with pizza, one of my trigger foods, and smell that while you're eating a sandwich?!!!


Especially when you've just started on the plan and, let's face it, change is always hard at the front end.

I was really glad I'd brought lunch because I know I would've folded and engaged in what Judith Beck calls "unplanned eating".

I'm happy to report that I made it through that experience and I learned A LOT from it.

Now, most of the time, I plan for those things.  I eat healthy food before I go, I drink plenty of water and I try to make sure my husband and son aren't eating junk food with me while I'm trapped in the car with the smell.  What torture!

So before your next event or activity ask yourself this- "what's my plan?" because there will always be temptation and part of succeeding is in planning for success.

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