Thursday, December 29, 2016

Let's Get EXCITED about the New Year!!!

Okay, hopefully you already read yesterday's post on Pleasure and Pain.

Today I just want you to get excited with me.

I just want to brainstorm ideas and dreams that I have for myself in the New Year.

Hopefully you'll be inspired to do the same.

My New Year Dreams~

I embrace the New Year and all the wonderful opportunities that await me.

This year I would like to lose an additional 20 lbs, increase my muscle mass, flexibility and balance.

I visualize manifesting this dream by going regularly to my WW meetings, weighing weekly, using consistent tracking and working out 4-5 days per week.

I can also do small things to work towards my goals like sitting in the floor to stretch when I watch TV or do other activities.

I would also like to gain fluency in French.  I minored in French in college and although it's not terribly practical I love the language and this is just for me.

I'm already working on this goal by using a free on-line program called Duolingo.

I want to learn something new this year.  I'm not sure what it will be but I will be open to it.

I want to grow closer to God and expressing myself more authentically in a way that honors me, my God and others.

I hope to find more tools that inspire me and those who read my blog.  I want all of us to work towards personal transformation and living the life we have imagined for ourselves.

I want to grow closer to my son, my husband, my parents, family and friends.

I want to organize my time better and feel less harried.

I want to enjoy each moment, to treasure each day.

I want to enjoy my job even more and see my husband enjoying his job much more.

I want more love, more laughter, more dancing and more joy in all that I do.

I want to be open to all the expected and unexpected ways God will answer my prayers.

I want to see more in every moment and know that it's precious.

I want to remember to be thankful and to feel that in my bones.

I hope to meet more like minded people who have similar goals and desires.

I hope to remain open to opportunity my "enemies" present me and learn from everyone I meet and every situation.

I want to know that in any given situation I am the same person, being real and true to myself and others.

I want to forgive myself when I fall short of the expectations others have for me or that I have for myself and to let it go.

I want to forgive others for the same.

I want my heart to open even wider, to give and receive even more love this year.

Those are some of mine off the top of my head.  I hope you make your own list.

It's really fun to look at it 6-12 months down the road and see where you were at in consciousness and how everything turned out.

In any event, let's get excited about this New Year!!!

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