Sunday, December 11, 2016

Big Wins During the Holidays

Truth time~

Last week, the week of Thanksgiving, I gained 3 lbs.

To be honest I had so much food I really thought it would be a lot worse but I did get a lot of veggies in and did a lot of exercise.

When the new week started I was struggling to reign myself back in a bit.

It's like when you're being naughty that has momentum and you want to keep being naughty.

But if you're good that has momentum too and you want to keep being good.

Switching back and forth between the two is where it gets tough.

I have heard people say over and over again "You might as well just forget it during the holidays.  You know you're going to gain and you might as well not even try until afterwards".

I also hear this one "It's so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose.  It takes one bad weekend of eating to gain a bunch but then it takes WEEKS to lose it!".

To those comments let me tell you this....

This week?

I lost 4.2 lbs!

And do you know what?  I started this week struggling and went to Chick-fil-A and had a regular chicken sandwich(12 pts), medium fries(12 pts) and 1 cookie(15 pts!!!).

I felt so upset with myself and realized I was falling back into my old patterns and said to myself "this has got to stop!".

You know what I did?

The one thing that consistently helps put me back on track when I'm stuck- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for short.

The piece I use is a method of replacing sabotaging thoughts with more helpful responses that help move me in the direction of my goals and values.

After getting my mind in the right place I was able to start tracking more reliably.

I was able to stop myself from standing in my pantry raiding the mini marshmallow and mini chocolate chips.

I was able to stick with my licorice tea in the evening without grazing all night long.

AND, every night I had a good night I gave myself credit for it and I thanked God.

Your good has momentum too.

The story that it takes twice as long to lose as it does to gain is just that, it's a story we tell ourselves to stay stuck.

Friends, if we want to succeed we have to start telling a different story, a story of success and belief in ourselves, and for me, in God.

We have to believe it's possible for us or it never will be.  We have to step out on faith.

You don't plant a seed in the ground and cuss it if it doesn't immediately spring up do you?

That's what faith is, believing in things we cannot yet see and trusting that everything is unfolding as it should, knowing that as long as we do the work that is before us it will work out for our Highest Good.

The first step is just being aware.

So, the next time you hear someone say those negative things or you catch yourself saying it STOP and in your own mind just say "that may be true for you but it is not true for me(I got this phrase from Louise Hay).  I'm telling a new story, one of victory and love".

More than you know I wish all of you all the best!

It uplifts me to see other people succeed because I look at this as evidence of faith in action.

It should be an affirmation to all of us of what is possible if we just believe and take action that supports those beliefs.

Stay tuned because tomorrow I'm going to write more about CBT for weight loss and try my best to address some sabotaging thoughts.



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