Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Smoky Roasted Mushrooms

I love mushrooms.

I mean, what's not to love about mushrooms?

They're 0 pts.  They come in all sorts of varieties and they add so much to any dish.

Even though I love them I realized I'd never had simple, plain, roasted mushrooms as a side dish.

I knew I needed to remedy this situation.

For those of you who don't like to cook, fear not, this recipe is super duper easy.


2 lbs whole baby bella, aka cremini mushrooms

Olive oil cooking spray

1 Tbsp unsalted butter

4 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and minced

Salt & pepper to taste

1/2 tsp smoked paprika(absolutely brilliant seasoning you must try!)



Preheat the oven to 425 F.

Clean the mushrooms.  Okay, so here's the thing- most purists say you don't need to wash them but to just sort of dust them off.  To that I would suggest that those same people have never taken microbiology.

I mean, gag!  There is actual manure on there!  Can you say E. coli?!  I know I'm being dramatic but it just grosses me out.

So, do what you want but I actually do rinse these under water and then I used a paper towel to gently blot them dry.

After cleaning the mushrooms, any way you choose, place them in a 9 x 13 Pyrex dish and spray with olive oil spray and toss.

Bake for 30-35 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

Spray a small skillet with olive oil spray and then add 1 Tbsp of butter.  To this pan add the fresh garlic and saute until it just starts to brown slightly.  Then add in the smoked paprika, cooking for just 2 minutes and stirring frequently.

My house smells like heaven right now

When the mushrooms are out of the oven place them in a serving dish and toss with the flavored butter.

I was a little nervous at first that they looked kind of dark but they were fabulous!

I set this to serve 4 which comes out to 1 pt per serving.  

Hello!  Did you heat that?!  ONE point per serving!  I love those words.  :)

You know, I hadn't even gotten this done yet and my husband was nosing around it trying to snitch.

After it was done I told him what I always tell him "You get half.  You can decide how you want to portion yours out but you get half and I get half".

He knows I'm going to have one portion and then save the rest for another meal typically.

Just sayin', you know it's good when you're husbands moping around the house because he's already eaten his half and wants more.

Happy Cooking!

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