Tuesday, October 25, 2016

When Super Woman Strikes

Okay, listen up- yesterday's post was written by the good girl in me, that obedient part of me.

Today you're meeting someone new.

Here it is plain and simple~

Apparently I have an alter ego.

And I call her Super Woman.

Why?  You ask.

Because the obedient one in me goes along and tracks, and eats healthy foods and exercises and loses weight.

Then, dum, dum, dum!!!!!!

Super Woman appears!

She steps in and says "Yes!  You have achieved goal, you are a lifetime member and now you can eat anything and everything you want without gaining weight!  Hooray!"

"Fear not sweet one!  The laws of physics and physiology don't apply to you and calories won't stick because I've waived my magic fat-won't-stick wand at you enabling you to consume mass quantities without gaining weight!"

"Yes, my dear this is the day you've been dreaming of and waiting for!  It's like heaven opened up and you have been welcomed into a place of rainbows and sparkles where brownies, cakes and casseroles are zero calories and actually make you lose weight and look great!!!!"


Super Woman has taken over recently and as my more obedient self stepped in I found that I've gained 6 FREAKING POUNDS!!!!!!

What the heck?!!!

You should've seen me last night as I weighed at home silently cussing at the scale, slack jawed with disbelief.

That darn Super Woman!

I'm so sick of her rhetoric.

My whole life she is the one who has made me fat!!!

Then my obedient self steps in and has to clean up the mess she's made and shed all the extra fat.

Oh how I wish I could just banish her forever but it's clear by now that she's a permanent fixture in my life.

But at least I'm aware of her.

So what do you do after she's dive bombed you and you've gained 6 freaking pounds?

You start back over.

You start doing all the things you know you should be doing.

Do you know how humiliating it is to admit this to you?

I mean I dole out weight loss advice and here I've gained 6 lbs.

The truth is that I'm human and every struggle you face, I face too.

Even though it does get easier than when you first start it's still an ongoing battle.

There's always that part of us that wants to know that someday it will be over and we can just relax and not think about it anymore.

Maybe that day will come but I don't see it in my near future.

Until then it's one day at a time.

And, tonight I'm not watching TV, I'm tracking all the food that passes my lips, I'm secluding myself to my bedroom after dinner to read(probably the Beck Diet Solution again!)and sip my licorice tea, and I'm doing a lot of praying!!!

The reality is that I've had single weeks where I've LOST 6 lbs and I know I'm capable of that.

Because even when I screw up, and I do screw up, I love myself enough to pick myself back up and dust myself off and start over again.

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