Ah, it's that time of year again...
the holiday roller coaster is about to begin.
Are you ready?
As I began mentally preparing I sat back and thought about last year, the good, the bad and the ugly.
What so distinctly sticks in my mind is this- last year I planned really well for all the holidays but
what I didn't think about planning for was the aftermath.
I did well on the day-of the holidays but it was in the days after that I struggled.
There's something about having all that food around, all that variety, that's hard to resist.
I also think when I allow myself to increase my portion sizes for a day my stomach and mind immediately jump to one simple conclusion- "Oh great! We get to eat like a horse again! Anything I want, as much as I want at any time! Yay!!!"
With that in mind I'm going to lay out my game plan for this Halloween.
If you're a WW member you've probably already talked about some of this.
1. Buy the necessary candy either the night before or the day of. More time in the house means more room for excuses and disasters. "Oh well, I'll just have one...." that becomes, like, the whole bag!
2. Buy my least tempting treats. This means instead of buying Reese's(my kryptonite) I'll buy hard candies or tootsie rolls(this is my "only eat if it's the last known food on the planet" food. I mean tootsie rolls! Gag!!!)
3. Exercise in the morning before the mayhem begins! If you do go overboard are you really going to feel like exercising? I've always preferred working out in the morning. It's also such a good feeling to know you're starting the day out right.
4. Drink plenty of water.
5. Balance your plate with plenty of fiber and lean protein on the day of. Don't go the treat table hungry!
6. Take time for yourself. For me that includes prayer, meditation, running/walking, listening to great music, maybe dancing, singing, a hot bath or shower with fragrant lotion afterward etc.
I tend to make better choices when my proverbial cup is half full.
7. Remember forgiveness is Divine! One of the main things that separates people who've never had weight struggles from those who do is their attitude. Thin people make mistakes and think more along the lines of "Oh well. I didn't plan that. I think I'll just cut back a little on my next meal, maybe add more veggies". In general more studies show overweight people tend to think "Well, I've blown it again. I can never lose weight! I don't even know why I try! It's hopeless. I might as well just eat whatever. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow". Forgive yourself and MOVE ON. Every
moment is new and ripe with opportunity.
8. Buddy up. If you have someone who is on plan with you don't be afraid to check in with each other to stay accountable. Having support is HUGE for me. I couldn't do this alone and I wouldn't want to!!!!
9. Make some healthier options. There are so many options nowadays for healthier holiday snacks. Maybe you can add something new to the menu that everyone will be surprised and delighted by.
10. Just say "No!" to spandex. Wearing permissive clothing allows you to be, well, permissive. I try to wear something that is more fitted that I can't just easily expand into. It helps me be more aware of my body and how much I've consumed.
11. Enjoy. If you do decide to indulge enjoy every bite. Don't rush it. Be fully present and aware of every delicious bite.
12. Save weekly's for the holiday and/or cut back on other points in the same day. I don't believe in skipping meals however if I'm banking points sometimes I'll have fruit and bacon(1-2 pts) for breakfast or a 2 pt homemade protein drink.
13. Again, don't skip meals. A huge part of my success is in not allowing myself to get too hungry. I eat three meals a day plus 2-3 snacks and I plan for those. That also speeds up your metabolism.
14. Track, even if you don't want to. You get to a point in life where you start to realize that no one else is keeping score, only you are. This isn't about using numbers to put you down. This is just information. As you look back on this you'll see what worked and what didn't.
15. Pump up the positive self talk. As I go through my day, either in my head or aloud, I usually try to make comments about any good choices I make. I do this for both myself and to imprint upon my son. I say things like "Wow! I just worked out. I feel really good about myself. I'm doing something to really love and support this body God gave me! Woo hoo!" or "I just ate a meal packed with nutrient dense fruits and veggies! I made a really great choice and I know my body is already thanking me for it!" or "It feels so good to honor myself by taking loving care of myself".
16. Pull out the Beck Diet Solution for some awesome answers to any sabotaging thoughts you may be having. This is the book that really started me down the path to success. Anytime I'm really struggling I know this is what I need to go back to.
Here's an example~
Sabotaging thought: I really don't want to track on a holiday and I shouldn't have to. That's no fun! No one else is and it's not fair. It's just one day and it'll be fine".
Answer: Over the years these are exactly the kind of thoughts that have kept me overweight. Life's not fair but I have a choice in every moment. I can either keep doing things the way I've been doing them and stay overweight or I can make a new choice. Yes, it's hard but I
can do it."
17. Share, share, share. Talking at my WW meetings always feels so cathartic for me. Talking out my own successes and struggles really helps and so does listening to others. Knowing you're not alone in any of it is such a blessing. I also love all the recipes we share, product finds and ideas too. There are so many good things that come out of a support group like that. I feel especially blessed to have the most amazing leader and group of members to share with. If you're reading this...
Thank you!
18. Throw away, box up or give away leftovers that tempt you! I don't keep tempting food in my house because I'll just eat it all and so will my husband.
19. Make some healthy meals ahead of time that you can warm up
after the holiday. This makes it easier to get back on track. If you've given away all the junk food then you'll have to have something to eat when you get hungry. If you don't have something readily available you might be tempted to go on the prowl for junk food or go out to eat. Set yourself up for success by stocking up.
20. Be prepared for the food pushers. You know who they are. They're family and friends, well meaning and sometimes not so well meaning. They come up with all sorts of reasons to tempt you. Do a mental play by play and come up with what you're going to say when you're confronted. "No thank you" is an answer. Sometimes it's easier to avoid them altogether if possible. If it gets heated just walk away. They're not worth the time and energy. Don't resist them just leave if you can.
I hope this helps give you some ideas as you plan ahead.
know we can all be successful!
And, after you've made good choices for yourself and the holiday is over?
Well, let's just say knowing you've successfully navigated the holidays
feels better than any treat could ever taste. ;)