Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Some of my fellow WW members, leader and friends were kind enough recently to share what they were enjoying about my blog.

One member specifically shared that my blog helped her when she felt down which, I just have to say, just made me feel like my heart was exploding with love.

I had already written the following post before she shared this with me but it really just reiterated why I'm doing this.

Even though I do try to encourage other people I also need encouragement sometimes too.

So these words really lifted me up today and I just wanted an opportunity to say thank you.

It also felt like a sign from God to keep on keeping on. :)

Here is the post...

I gotta admit this experience of doing a blog is all new to me.

For that matter social media is still foreign territory.

I still don't have a Facebook account.

Don't get me wrong, I came really close to it once but I backed out at the last minute after I once again read the privacy statement, as in you don't really have any.

Part of the reason I started this is because my WW coach along with several friends and WW members kept asking me to start a blog.

They'd also ask me what my Connect name was so they could "follow" me.

I remember standing there staring at them trying really hard not to look stupid because I really didn't even understand what it meant to "follow"someone.

Even now I'm still learning all of this so if  any of you message me and I'm a little slow on the uptake that's why.

Eventually I realized that in my heart of hearts doing a blog sounded really fun albeit scary.

The first time I walked into my first WW meeting I remember the fear and guarded hope that I felt.

"Oh please let this be it.  Please don't let this be another failure.  I'm so tired of failing and feeling fat" I thought.

I felt so vulnerable.

But the leader, Nancy, was so amazing and the people there were so supportive and open I started relaxing in increments.

I started feeling less afraid and more excited.

That's how this blog has been.

Sometimes I feel a little crazy, like I'm having a conversation with myself.

It feels lonely sometimes but then I've learned that there are indeed people reading and following my ramblings.

Certainly my WW leader, fellow WW members, family and friends have been hugely supportive and I can't thank you all enough.

What I always come back to though is the real reasons I started this:

1. Do something new that's outside of your comfort zone, something that's exciting but also scares you.

2.  Help other people.  The truth is that when I encourage other people I feel encouraged.  Before I started this I had actually started praying about finding ways of standing in service to others.

3.  Expression.  Too often we don't express what's truly in our hearts for fear of rejection and feeling not good enough.  I think God calls us to our Highest expression and we know it for what it is because it feels good and it does not cause harm to others or ourselves.  It is an expression of love.

4.  Find some measure of joy in every moment of every day.

5. Grow & Learn.

6.  Be as transparent, real and honest as I can.  In other words be authentically all that I came here to be.

A lot of these are intertwined obviously.

My guideline for the blog is only positive content.

There are times when I question what I'm doing or whether it makes any difference at all.

Then I remember all my reasons for doing it in the first place and I figure even if I only help one person, if I only achieve one of my reasons that will be enough and I'll feel really good about that.

Either way I know I'll be glad I tried because I'm already learning so much, having fun...

and, I feel so grateful.

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