Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Peace of Grace Please

I have been thinking of what Grace means in my life recently.

We've been talking at church about what the Will of God means and how that shows up in our lives.

It made me think back on one of the best examples of that I can think of in my own life.

I thought I would share that with you today.

Years ago when I was still in my early twenties I dated a man who I was completely head over heals in love with.

We were together three years or so and we were in almost all the same Pre-Med classes together.

I vividly remember praying so hard that we would get married.

My prayers sounded a little bit like this~

"Okay God, I got this all figured out.  So here's the deal- he and I are meant for each other and we need to get married.  See?  That's all you have to do, make sure we get married.  Not too much to ask huh?".

And so I prayed and prayed and prayed some more and...

We never got married.

It wasn't an easy thing for me at all.

In fact I spent my 23rd year of life completely and utterly depressed and despondent.

I felt like God had really let me down and abandoned me.

Now at the age of 42 I can look back on that and say


Thank you God that we never got married because that guy was in no way right for me and we were both too naive to know the difference.

I wouldn't have the same fantastic life I have today if I had married him.

The worst part is that if I had married him I would've missed out on my beautiful husband and son and that would've been the greatest tragedy of all.

So, to me, that was Grace in action.

And I am thankful for that UNanswered prayer.

I remember that story fondly now because when times get tough and I feel like my prayers are going unanswered I know that ultimately that's just not true.

God's got my back.


In all things, forever.

Now even when it hurts and I feel lost and heartbroken and I don't understand I think about that experience and I give thanks in the deepest part of me because I know that, even though I may not see it, God has something better in store for me than what I've asked for.

God has a plan.

So when you feel alone and sad, when you feel like God hasn't heard you or answered your prayers remember my story and know that even now, in fact especially now, when you can't see it God has already answered you in the best way possible.

And someday you too will look back on this and see God's Grace in it and know that you are Loved with a Love that passes all understanding.

Have a Blessed Day friends!

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