Sunday, January 7, 2018

Red Rose Sweet Temptations Tea

If you love hot tea then you're in for a treat!

My friend, Jodie, was kind enough to gift me with several delicious hot teas in various flavors.

These are Red Rose brand.  You can check them out here on their website or buy them on Amazon.

The scoop is that they're zero calories, stevia sweetened, caffeine free heaven!

My friend tells me that they're also really good with a little almond milk but I haven't tried that yet. 

I wanted to try them all plain first before I add anything in.

This is a very mild and subtle sweetness that I really enjoyed.

This is nice to have at the end of a long day.

Last night I had a cup of strawberry cheesecake tea while curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace, wrapped in my fuzzy blanket and socks.  

Now that's a great, zero point way to find comfort.  ;)

Thanks Jodie!

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Saying Goodbye

I have been writing my blog for over a year now and at this point I am considering ending things here. If there is an outcry for me to con...