Sunday, February 18, 2018

Wendy's Large Cup of Chili. It's What's For Lunch!

Just a quick post today.

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE our WW weekly meetings?

I do!

The topic this past week was dining out.  One of the members shared that one of her go-to meals when she was out and needed something was Wendy's large cup of chili.

It's only 4 pts!!!

So today, for just over $2, I made this my lunch.

And it was delicious!!!

It's cold outside and there's nothing like a warm bowl of chili to warm you up from the inside out.

So if you're on the go with no time to meal prep or cook you might consider this option.

Happy Munching!

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Saying Goodbye

I have been writing my blog for over a year now and at this point I am considering ending things here. If there is an outcry for me to con...