Thursday, February 8, 2018

Low Point Cookies!

I've seen these on CONNECT and I've seen them on Pinterest and a myriad of other sites.  

Today I finally decided to try them, in part because I had three very ripe bananas I needed to use up. ;)

There are a few variations on this recipe.  One of the big differences I saw is in the oats.  

Some people say you have to use the old fashioned oats while others say quick oats.  I used the old fashioned ones because I read they're more chewy and have a better texture.  

After reviewing several recipes this is the one I put together~


3 ripe bananas

2 cups old fashioned oats

1 serving Lily's brand, stevia sweetened dark chocolate chips(I bought these on Amazon.  They're a pricey but low point goodness!)

1 Tbsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon


Mash up the bananas.  You can use your clean hands or a potato masher or fork, whatever works best for you.

Now add in the 2 cups of old fashioned oats, cinnamon and vanilla and mix well.

Finally, throw in your chocolate chips and mix well.  

Now refrigerate the dough in a covered bowl in the fridge for at least one hour.

About 10 minutes before you're ready to start baking them preheat your oven to 350 F.

Use a silicone mat lined baking sheet(or foil sprayed with cooking spray) and use your hands to mold 12 cookies.

These won't spread when you cook them like normal cookies would so you need to sort of form them into cookie shapes by using your palm to flatten them out a bit.  

Bake them for 10-12 minutes.  

Let them cool completely and enjoy!

When I ran this through the points calculator it came out to 1 pt per cookie!

The taste?

I thought these were good, not great, but good.

Sadly, even though I didn't love them I ended up eating too many.  I'm like that with cookies, chips and so forth.  

If they're around I'll want to eat a gob of them!

So, if you have this problem too, don't forget to have a strategy in place.  

Are you going to freeze the extras or give them away?  Come up with a plan for success.  

These are a nice alternative to satisfy a craving for something sweet.

If I'm having a hard core cookie craving these won't cut it but if it's something more mild then I will definitely make these.

It also helps knowing that they're really pretty healthy and how many cookies can you say that about anyway?

Happy Cooking!!!

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