Thursday, September 7, 2017


At our weekly WW meeting we talked about setting SMART goals.

Here it is~

S- Smart
M- Meaningful
A- Attainable
R- Realistic
T- Time-Bound

It really gave me pause today.

You see, I've found myself in this place of observation.

I realize I've purposely been sort of floating, staying within the same 10 lb range for MONTHS.

Initially I hit 145 lbs and set my WW goal as 150 but I've been yo-yo'ing between 150-160 lbs.

If you've read my earlier post you'll know that I purposely haven't been rushing or pushing myself to get back to goal.

So what have I been doing?

I've been eating and exercising more mindfully.

I'm starting to see, through repetition, just how much I can eat and how much activity I have to do in order to maintain this weight.

I'm also in a place of deciding what weight I truly want to be at, stay at and feel good at.

Right now I'm still a little unsure.

In these last few months I've eaten out more often and taken more trips and lived more fully than I did when I was working my way to goal.

In this time I've started to feel more confident and less afraid which makes this plan much more realistically livable.

The other thing I dealt with when I got down to 145 lbs was some angst over loose skin.

I'm 43 yo and things don't bounce back the way they used to.

Now I'm deciding what I can live with and love about myself.

I've also found that historically setting goals is a very slippery slope for me.

If the goals are too big in any way it starts to become a negative self fulfilling prophecy and I become my own worst enemy.

Today I weighed in at 160 lbs which is a hard limit for me that I don't want to go over.

My SMART goal is this- I would like to get to 155 lbs in the month of September.

I plan to attain that goal by keeping my water intake up, more consistent, honest tracking.

Tracking is an interesting thing.  Before I made goal I only missed around two days of tracking and really couldn't conceive of why anyone wouldn't track.

After I hit goal it was a constant struggle.  My inner child just did not want to do it.

Often times when I don't track I secretly tell myself "Oh, I'm just doing WW's Simply Filling plan(where you follow an approved food list and don't track, eating to the point of satisfied)".

In reality it wasn't so much Simply Filling but rather Simply Bingeing!!!

To chunk it down even farther I plan on doing one week goals for myself of tracking honestly everyday, NO MATTER WHAT it looks like.  It may even be one day or one meal goals if need be.

It isn't about judgement, being good or bad, it's about integrity and being honest with myself.

It's about feedback and knowing objectively that this type of intake = x pounds.

Considering we have every weekend for the next two months planned I feel that getting to 155 lbs is a good and realistic goal.

I'll let you know how it goes.

I would also love to hear from you all!

What goals do you want to set for yourself?

It could be something as simple as being more kind to yourself or increasing your water intake.

Follow the SMART system and I think you'll find it very doable.


  1. Carrie, This is the first time I have visited your blog. Nancy informed us this week how to visit your information. I was delighted with your site. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I find that sharing our struggles actually makes it a lot easier. From personal experience I know having recipe ideas and strategies for tough situations can make all the difference. Let me know if you have any recipes or ideas you'd like to share! Thank you! ~Carrie


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