Saturday, August 27, 2016

Caramelized Onions

I have to admit, I'm a little picky.  Not as picky as I was before getting married but still a bit picky.

One thing I hate is raw onion.

I do love onion flavor when it's cooked well done.

I really love caramelized onions but it takes a looonnnggggg time to get that beautiful brown caramelization to happen.

The other thing that makes it a little tougher is that since I started WW I really cut down the amount of oil I use.

I use to use olive oil liberally.  Now, if I use any, it's usually only 1-2 Tbsp.

Although olive oil is a good-for-you fat it's calorically dense.  A little goes a long way.

And, I don't want to spend all my points on oil!

So last night my husband asked me to watch a movie with him but a short way into it I realized it was too dark and scary for me so I moved to the computer and starting doing searches for WW friendly recipes for caramelized onions in the slow cooker.

Fortunately I not only found a recipe but I also found a new WW friendly website to use!  Win-win!

The website is simple-nourished-living.

This is the recipe I found for slow cooker caramelized onions.
I prepped this last night before bed.

Here's the before...

This is the after...

Oh isn't that beautiful?!!!

That's the best thing about the slow cooker, there's usually less time involved cooking and then you get to wake to this lovely smell and this beautiful site!

I'm going to parcel them off into small baggies and freeze them to use as needed for recipes.

I already have one in mind but you'll see that in another post.

Have a great day!

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